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By the Numbers, pt. 2
In part 2 of our "by the numbers" series, explore three key user trends - including the fact that more voters have used our tool thus far in 2022 than at the same point in 2020.
BallotReady by the numbers, pt. 1
Explore BallotReady’s database in part one of our “by the numbers” series.
A Guide to the Upcoming California Recall Election
Read BallotReady’s breakdown of the upcoming California recall election and visit to find your voting information.
Overcoming Vote by Mail Challenges
Two out of 3 of Americans believe that it is “very to somewhat likely that the coronavirus outbreak will significantly disrupt people’s ability to vote” in the 2020 presidential election, according to a Pew Research poll. Are you currently prepared for this probable reality? Expanding vote by mail is one recommended option to combat health risks during the pandemic by supplementing in-person voting with alternative options to reduce face to face contact during elections.
3 Key Trends in Vote by Mail this Year
The 2020 election cycle is dramatically changing due to the COVID-19 pandemic. According to the Open Source Election Technology Institute, 47 states have taken measures to expand their election policies to allow all voters to have access to a vote by mail option. In some states, these policies have been in place for years while others have been recently implemented to specifically address health risks associated with in-person voting during the pandemic.
How Vote By Mail is Changing the 2020 Election Landscape
Vote by mail policies have always been complicated, and now COVID-19 is further amplifying existing difficulties.
COVID-19: How it’s Affecting National Election Policy & What We’re Tracking
At BallotReady, we’re tracking six key ways COVID-19 is impacting elections, candidates, and voters.