Data products
Get local government and elections data you can’t find anywhere else. Choose how you access BallotReady’s database - with our API or customizable data packages. Both solutions provide access to the most comprehensive database available including hundreds of thousands of officeholder records.
Data packages
For the first time, get the data you need, how and when you want it. Access up-to-date information in your choice of CSV or Avro formats and combine and filter datasets to your specific requirements - whether you need information on every elected position in the country, one level of government, or from a single state.
All packages arrive automatically in the form and frequency you select.
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Access contact information for officeholders at all levels of government across the country.
Our officeholders dataset contains records of over 300k term dates, contact information (email & phone), mailing address, official government websites and social media links, and the party name that the candidate ran under. The dataset has identifiers for each officeholder’s state, government level, and position category to allow you to quickly hone in on the types of offices that are important to your organization.
This dataset can be used in coordination with our Elections & Races dataset for organizations to identify the next primary and general election date for an officeholder of interest. This dataset can also be combined with our add-on datasets of candidate education, work experience, issue stances, and endorsements to provide you with the background of officeholders when they ran for election.
Know when all elected positions in the country will hold their elections, projected through 2030 based on state and local statutes. Identify positions and races of interest by government level, position categories and descriptions, and partisan/non-partisan type.
For organizations running candidate recruitment programs, we offer an expanded dataset with filing periods included.
Explore candidates who have run for election at all levels of government across the country!
Our dataset includes contact information (email & phone), campaign websites and social media links, and win/loss election results since 2018 for most positions in the United States. The dataset has identifiers for each candidacy’s state, government level, and position category to allow you to quickly hone in on the types of races that are important to your organization.
This dataset can be combined with our add-on datasets of candidate education, work experience, issue stances, and endorsements to provide you with a holistic picture of each individual's campaign.
View early voting and ballot dropoff locations, and the days and times that they are open.
Our Early Voting Places & Days dataset contains the address and latitude/longitude of each location, where a ballot can be dropped off (inside or a dropbox), which geographic areas are eligible to use the location, and the dates and times that the location is open for voters.
Recruit candidates for every position with our Recruitment Data Package. This package is a combination of our Elections & Races, Candidacies, and Officeholders datasets, which gives organizations a holistic view of the past and future of each position.
Explore the candidates who previously ran, won, or lost. Understand the current officeholders and their term dates. Plan for upcoming elections and filing deadlines. Together, this information can help you target specific positions and encourage candidates to run.
Additional datasets on education, work experience, issue stances, and endorsements can easily be combined with our Candidacies and/or Officeholders Datasets to provide valuable details about each person running for and holding office.
If you have questions about additional data availability, please reach out to us.
BallotReady API
Build you own app or product utilizing BallotReady's expansive database. Access real-time, location-tailored data through our GraphQL API, ensuring precision and personalization for your users. Streamline and scale your development process with all data consolidated into a single endpoint.
Quality Assurance Technology
Data transformation and validation interfaces ensure data integrity at every stage of the process. Automated checks flag discrepancies for further analysis, and our database is refreshed every day.
Team of Researchers
Political data is spread across thousands of boards of election in filing cabinets and PDFs. Our team of dozens of researchers makes phone calls, files FOIA requests, and sends faxes, all to ensure we have the most accurate information for every ballot.
Optimized for Scale
Built off of the AWS API Gateway, our API is designed to handle infinite scale, battle-tested with over 1,100 peak API requests per second.