Civic engagement at every level
Powered by the most comprehensive database for every level of government – BallotReady’s Civic Center makes it easy for people to take part in our democracy.
Data – down to the local level
There are over half a million elected officials nationwide, not to mention thousands of new elections, candidates, ballot measures and polling places each cycle. At BallotReady, we believe every public office matters – from Senate to school board. That’s why we’ve built the most comprehensive database for every level of government available via API or standard data export.
A platform for all
Built mobile-first, available in multiple languages, and developed to the highest standards of accessibility. BallotReady provides beautiful, intuitive designs to engage and mobilize every constituent.
Data for impact
Integrations with VAN and other CRMs ensure user data is seamlessly updated, and a data dashboard provides detailed monitoring in real-time.
Optimized for digital
BallotReady is built for sharing via text, relational organizing, or digital ads. We deliver automated, personalized, and customizable reminders via email and SMS.
Database for every race
Political data is spread across thousands of boards of election in filing cabinets and PDFs. Our team of researchers makes phone calls, files FOIA requests, and sends faxes to ensure we have the most accurate information for every officeholder, election, candidate, and polling location.
We’re proud to work with our customers to inform and mobilize constituents nationwide
RISE: College Student Organizing
College students and young voters are poised to play a decisive role in 2020 elections. That’s why BallotReady and Rise partnered to develop new strategies for peer-to-peer organizing to offer young voters comprehensive information about candidates up and down the ballot.
Snapchat and BallotReady partner to recruit the next generation of civic leaders
Read more about how Snapchat is leveraging election data to engage its users at every level of the process- including encouraging them to run for office
Run for Something’s numbers speak for themselves
It’s hard to run for something if you don’t know what you’re running for. That’s why BallotReady and Run For Something are partnering up to simplify the process of running for political office in the United States.

Schedule a demo to see our solutions in action, and start the conversation on how we can support your work.