BallotReady 2022 General Election Positions Breakdown
BallotReady’s database lists 82,645 positions up for election across the US in 2022. Less than 1% are federal positions, while more than 36% are local positions.
Our data demonstrates what positions we have located on 2022 ballots in all 50 states. This breakdown encourages voters to realize the reach of their engagement when they vote down-ballot.
Position Levels
Our BallotReady database total number of 82,645 positions up for election counts city, county, local, regional, state, and federal positions on November 8th.
19,428 city positions (23.5% of total)
21,986 county positions (26.6% of total)
29,973 local positions (36.3% of total)
638 regional positions (0.8% of total)
10,147 state positions (12.3% of total)
473 federal positions (0.6% of total)
Positions broken down by state
Explore three visual position breakdowns for each jurisdiction.
School Board Election Landscape
As detailed in the 2022 School Board Election Landscape research, our data shows that there are over 81,000 school board seats in the country. Over 21,000 seats are up for election this year across 43 states, with about half of these elections happening on November 8th, the general midterm election date.
The 2022 election cycle could significantly alter the makeup of school boards, indicating subsequent changes in strategic district visions, policies, hiring and influence over school curriculum. Know where these races are taking place and which states have the most at stake.
States with 2022 School Board Elections
Over 82k down-ballot positions are up for election in 2022
Data visuals contrast the amount of down-ballot positions up for election with top-of-the-ticket races
2022 is a major year for school board elections
There’s a lot of candidates to research! Our Election Center tools make it easy to see who’s on your ballot, from top-of-the-ticket positions down to school boards.
Enter your address below to access our data, view your personal ballot, and make a plan to vote down-ballot.
Browse ballot and elected official information by state
Alaska Alabama Arkansas Arizona California Colorado Connecticut District of Columbia Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Iowa Idaho Illinois Indiana Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Massachusetts Maryland Maine Michigan Minnesota Missouri Mississippi Montana North Carolina North Dakota Nebraska New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico Nevada New York Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Virginia Vermont Washington Wisconsin West Virginia Wyoming