Advocacy Solutions
The most comprehensive database for officeholders and the US government, powered by BallotReady.
Elected officials in the BallotReady dataset, including 100,000+ at the small town, township, and school board level.
Appointed federal and state officials with information maintained in the BallotReady system.
Federal and state executive and legislative staffers in our datasets.
Proprietary technology ensures you get the most consistent, most up-to-date information.
Confidence in data collection powers your outreach
Proprietary data tools and techniques extend researcher capacity to conduct quality checks at every step of the research process, from the moment a candidate enters a race to Election Day and beyond.
Data connectivity builds insight and strategy
Leverage historical and spatial data to guide decisions on where to advocate and invest
Data when, where, and how you need it
We collect information at all levels — sending faxes, making phone calls, filing FOIA requests, and digitizing PDF maps — to get you up-to-date data accessible through data export or API.
Local information, nationwide
The most current data on local politics, delivered to you by a team of experts in real time.
Personalized information, personalized outreach
Our comprehensive library of shapefiles and political boundaries connects you to relevant decision-makers, ballots, and elections.